Sunday 27 January 2013

What does branding mean for small business?

In 2012 SMEs accounted for 99.9 per cent of of all private sector businesses in the UK, 59.1 per cent of private sector employment and 48.8 per cent of private sector turnover.  This is a highly important sector for the UK and yet many businesses are becoming more and more confused as to how they should be marketing their products and services in a new world of fast moving communications.  People no longer believe slick promotional messages, the dependence on traditional advertising is waning fast, so how do small businesses get their message across and entice their customers?

The first most important thing is to have a strong brand - but what does this mean? Your brand is the visual representation of what your business delivers.  The link between people recognising your visual brand and having, or hearing about a positive experience of your service or product is the key to success.

The visual brand is the designed logo and the name of the company; when people see the brand they will form an opinion of the product or service because if its appearance.

People who have already experienced the products and services of the business will have an emotional response to the brand.  This will be positive or negative depending on their experience.  therefore the first principle of branding is to deliver a positive customer experience.

It may be time to refresh or revisit your brand.

1. Does the quality of the design of your logo and your company name reflect the quality of the service you provide? Is there a consistency of design and description giving the product or service a distinctive feel and look in the marketplace.  Is the brand name memorable?
2. Is the delivery of your product or service of a consistent high quality? Your brand represents your business and people will remember the experience.  Word of mouth recommendation is now more important than ever in this age of communications.  People believe what they hear, not what they read.